Monday, August 6, 2007

The Writing Biz

The world of a writer is tough - yet exciting. Some people do it to express there emotions, private journals, or small local paper while others attempt to pursue a career. There are many different types of writers; comic, novelist, screenwriters, journalist ... ect.

Have you ever thought if YOU had what it takes, just ask yourself these few simple questions.
-Do I enjoy writing?
-Do I like to read?
-Do I love movies?
-Have you ever read a book or watched a movie and thought "I'd do/write that a different way."

About five years ago the last question came to me. I began to write short stories and ideas for other stories. Now, I'm working in comics and working on screenplays. But I didn't know where to go or what exactly to do with my newly found passion. I began to read up on the writing biz and learned a few most common facts.
-Write EVERY DAY and write what you know.

The first thing you should do is figure out what kind of writer you want to be ? Do you want to write a fictional novel, screenwriter, or comics. Maybe you have kids and want to write children's books. There is so many ways to express yourself and make an earning.

If you want to be a writer just follow these few simple guidelines and the rest is up to you to figure out.
-What is your passion {what Genre to you like}
-Learn the business. {there are a lot of books on the subject}
-Research what you're writing about

Every book you read will tell you. "If you want to be a successful screenwriter, move to Hollywood." I DISAGREE. When you attend conventions you NETWORK. In this business it's all about WHO you know. Of course you have to have talent, but you have to show that talent to someone.

Publishers, agents ,production company's receive hundreds if not thousand scripts and pitches a day. Everyone has to start somewhere - EVERYONE. The key is to make yourself stand out from the rest.

I hope this helps in your adventures and good luck to all.


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